| S05E100, Baby Steps, to Where? Andy B 2 Minute Video | How many projects end up being sold, in pieces, on eBay? From project cars to project kitchens, we all have those things we begin and never complete. But the worst thing we can ever do is to simply never begin something. Sure, the road might be long and t
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 | S05E095, Brain Management, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Being busy can be a great feeling. It can make us think we’re doing better than others we may meet in our life. But, the problem with being busy is that busyness can soon become just the next thing on a to do list. And that is never good when it comes to
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 | S05E094, Plans, The Bible and God, Andy B 2 Minute Video | The bible tells us that God has a plan for our lives. It demonstrates how God’s plans are always best for us to be able to live our lives to the full. The big issue is that what we think that means only sometimes ties up with what God’s plans actually are
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 | S05E093, Are We There Yet, Andy B 2 Minute Video | It’s been said that you can form a habit by repeating something just 6 times. And yet it can take 6 weeks of repeatedly not doing that thing to break that habit. Such is the power of addiction and habits. So be very slow to point the finger at someone who
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 | S05E092, BETA Mode, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Beta mode. It’s a term you might have spotted, but have little knowledge about. Essentially, when it comes to software, it speaks of the next generation of that software. It’s a way of testing new features – it’ll probably look similar to what you’re used
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 | S05E091, Why Titles Matter, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Titles can be the source of much contention and confusion. Show me a confused organisation and titles, probably, are part of the problem, because we can allow titles to define and focus the energy of people. Or, we can use ambiguous titles that cause conf
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 | S05E090, Cut Your Losses, Andy B 2 Minute Video | I wonder if you’ve ever bought something that wasn’t cut what you wanted. Do we take it back, live with it, or bin it. I guess what we do will be somewhat dependent on what we bought and how expensive it was. We also might consider that the cost of return
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 | S05E089, Obedience v Sacrifice, Andy B 2 Minute Video | To Obey is better than Sacrifice. It’s a beautiful gem in the Old Testament which can sometimes be missed! And, when we read something in the bible about sacrificing animals, it’s all too easy to disregard it as out of date because of what Jesus did on th
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 | S05E087, Lemonade and Life, Andy B 2 Minute Video | There’s a line in the film Kung Fu Panda. The Master is speaking with his trainee. The trainee feels fierce and tough and hard. He’s talking about how he can make all sorts of things happen, like where a tree can grow.
The Master simply replies that whil
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 | S05E086, When It Keeps On Coming, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Have you ever heard a strange noise coming from a piece of machinery? We have had exactly that experience fro the past few weeks. Our lawnmower has been working harder and harder, and achieving less and less. Grass has been hacked rather than mown, and mo
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 | S05E085, It works! Andy B Minute Video | Much like the Trinity, a decent mug of tea requires 3 elements – tea, boiling water and milk. You can disagree about the milk and whether it comes first or not (it always comes first by the way) but those three parts make a decent ‘brew’.
We had a fancy
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 | S05E084, In The Father’s Arms, Andy B Minute Video | While sitting in church one day I couldn’t stop looking at the perfect illustration of how we should be with our Father God, when I saw the small baby in front of me perfectly secure and resting in the arms of their dad fast asleep!
It so powerfully spok
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 | S05E083, Encourage Someone!!! Andy B Minute Video | While away at a festival I tried to buy an ice cream. Someone had given us a gift of some money for our family, so we thought that would be a good thing to do! However, when we got to the ice cream seller they told us they couldn’t serve us unless we coul
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 | S05E082, Keep On Going, Andy B Minute Video | In the film, Inside Out, we see an image of how emotions develop in the brain of a new born, through to old age. We see the importance of emotions, and why Joy – a main character in the film – is not the most important emotion.
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 | S05E080, Share A Smile, Andy B 2 Minute Video | I got something through the post last week from a friend of mine. I’d typed out my address, but he’d altered it. My address was still correct, but he also added “Andy Berry, BBHQ” for BerryBunch Headquarters. He didn’t need to do that. But he said, afterw
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 | S05E079, Go Ahead, But Boldly, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Have you ever watched an episode of the original Star Trek? There’s a line from Captain James T. Kirk that you’d hear frequently. Imagine the scene of that ultra futuristic space ship moving through space, jumping from galaxy to galaxy, and the words can
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 | S05E077, Details Matter, Andy B 2 Minute Video | We all need to work. In one way, or another, we work. And sometimes we work for ourselves, but many of us will work for someone else. But how we work with them is important when it comes to our desire to live out our Christian faith.
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 | S05E076, Change Can Be Scary, Andy B 2 Minute Video | When we replace a car for something different, whether a newer or an older model, we have plenty of things to learn. But, perhaps even more importantly, we need to unlearn a whole bunch of stuff too!
Ok, so the steering wheel is probably in the same pl
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 | S05E075, Open Doors, Andy B 2 Minute Video | So another Andy B Two Minute Video, and I'm looking to the side cause I've forgotten the title already. Do you ever have that? When you're trying to do something so hard and you, your brain just doesn't allow you to get where you're supposed to be. And th
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 | S05E074, Don't Force Things, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Have you ever thought to yourself that since God seems to have so much to do in the world, that you’d help Him out? You know, give God a hand to help Him answer your prayers since He is so very busy with all those prayers that need answering?
There’s v
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 | S05E073, Waiting On A Miracle, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Our car is currently sitting in our garage until we can get it repaired. The expected bill is far larger than we can afford, so it may well be several months before we can get it fixed, with divine intervention!
I’m not happy with how easily I lost my
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 | S05E072, Strong Wind Warning, Andy B 2 Minute Video | I love cycling and I’ve been doing it as far back as I can remember.
I helped Jo develop a passion for cycling when we got married and I taught my own boys to cycle through the busy streets of a large City in England.
I’ve cycled through snow and throug
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 | S05E071, Two Sides, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Two Sides! When you’re printing something, you need to consider that there are two sides to the thing you’re printing on.
It’s really the most basic of things, but you never waste a leaflet by printing on just one side because there’s a 50/50 chance it
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 | S05E070, Under The Surface, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Weeds. They’re such a pain and I’m sure you, like me, have lovingly tended the odd one before we realised it really wasn’t something that deserved our care and attention!
Weeds grow and lie dormant under the surface of the garden just waiting for the rig
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 | S05E068, Where will you finish? Andy B 2 Minute Vide | Today is Good Friday, and marks an important date in the Christian Calendar. After Christmas Day, Good Friday is probably the most celebrated day of the year here in the UK, and around the entire globe.
There are two great certainties in life. No matter
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 | S05E067, From Small Things, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Have you ever heard of the story of the ugly duckling? If you haven’t it’s simply a children’s tale about we grow as we age; about how we can start off looking one way but will grow into something quite different.
The moral of the story, for me, at least
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 | S05E066, Faith and Crutches, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Have you ever witnessed somebody become a Christian? I’ve been privileged to see this quite a few times. Each occasion was utterly different from the next. But the one thing that always followed that moment of saying ‘yes’ to Jesus Christ was an inescapab
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 | S05E064, Stronger Doesn’t Mean Better, B 2 Minute Video | There was a built bridge. It was over a river, but they knew that there were some pretty fierce so it was decided, using the best knowledge available, to make that bridge SUPER strong - it was so solid they knew it would never struggle against the winds.
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 | S05E063, Know Thyself, Andy B 2 Minute Video | If you had to write a biography about yourself what would it say and how easy would you find such an exercise.
God tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made; that He hand made us on purpose and for a purpose.
So, if you were saying who God had
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 | S05E062, On Purpose, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Let’s go somewhere controversial. It shouldn’t be, but it is. So, let’s get this out at the beginning.
Evolution is not true!
It isn’t false because I say it is. Even Charles Darwin stated it was only a theory – and a theory that has never been prov
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 | S05E059, Accountably Accountable… Andy B 2 Minute Video | We all see change and can get a bit freaked out. Losing control is another one that can make us very uncomfortable.
Perhaps I’m more unique though, because I really do enjoy change! I’m not daft enough to think that some change doesn’t infuriate me. But
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 | S05E058, Just Keep Swimming! Andy B 2 Minute Video | If you’ve ever watched the film, Finding Nemo - or Finding Dory – you’ll appreciate the fact the Dory, is a small blue fish, is a bit forgetful. She’s also incredibly joyful. And she is also well know for her little song when everything is going horribly
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 | S05E055, GPS Gone Wrong , Andy B 2 Minute Video | I was out for a walk one day and tracking my exercise on a sports app - I like it because I can see how my heart rate is doing, what my average walking pace is etc. However, on one occasion, when I checked my app, the map was just a horrible mess: imagine
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 | S05E054, Five-Legged Stool, Andy B 2 Minute Video | When you work as part of a team, that functions really well, it can be so hard when one team member is taken out of the loop.
A well organised team will be able to step in to each other’s roles as necessary.
Our usual day for filming new BerryBunch mate
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 | S05E053, Best Laid Plans, Andy B 2 Minute Video | There’s a rather crude phrase in the UK about how P£*$ Poor Planning Produce P£*$ Poor Performance. (You can interpret those symbols for whatever works best for your innocence!)
The basic point is simply that if we don’t put in the effort to plan somethi
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 | S05E050, Isn’t It Amazing? Andy B 2 Minute Video | Isn’t It Amazing what Jesus did? He was the Son of God – of course. But He was also a carpenter, an older brother, a son.
One thing remains certain about His life and that is that He obeyed His parents, and his Heavenly Father too. He didn’t just do what
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 | S05E049, Evolving Traditions, Andy B 2 Minute Video | We’re always trying to make life just a little easier for ourselves, aren’t we? Well, mostly anyway! And, as we age and mature (again, mostly) we discover things that don’t work, and things that work better.
But how are you with change?
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 | S05E047, Old v New, Andy B 2 Minute Video | “Everything new must be better”. This must be the mantra on anybody involved in selling anything – that the new thing is better than the old because it is newer. But as we’ve seen with new and old version of the same cars this isn’t true.
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 | S05E044, Measure Twice, Cut Once, Andy B 2 Minute Video | When we get involved in a project it’s quite possible for us to get so focused we can miss the most obvious of mistakes. That’s the reason why you’ll find the breakdown truck driver refuse your help when they load your car on to their vehicle – they need
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 | S05E043, Buffer Zones, Andy B 2 Minute Video | It’s easy to see all the gaps and fill them up. If it’s a dam, great. That same finger shoving effort may not be quite as helpful if it’s a colander you’re filling the holes in, while you’re trying to strain some cauliflower from the water it was just boi
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 | S05E041, Remember! Andy B 2 Minute Video | There will always be parts of our lives we’d rather forget – those moments when something traumatic happens to us, or those times when we’ve done something that may have ruined the life of someone else, perhaps permanently.
Those moments define us, and
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 | S05E040, Phone a Friend… Andy B 2 Minute Video | Have you ever heard the phrase ‘phone a friend’? While it may have been made more widely known by a popular British TV quiz show, I’ve used it and heard it for many years before that. The meaning is fairly simple – when you get stuck, you contact someone
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 | S05E038, Triangle Toast, Andy B 2 Minute Video | We can treat life how we treat eating toast! We can take it all and shove it and hope for the best.
But there is a better way and, having a beard, has made me more aware of the need to bread my toast into smaller pieces; any of us would do well to brea
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 | S05E036, #WhatsTrending? Andy B 2 Minute Video | As a slight caveat, this is the first video edited with some new video editing software we’re now switching across to. I think it’s improved various elements of both the editing and the videos you can watch that we make.
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 | S05E031, Springs, Bins and Sensors, Andy B 2 Minute Video | In our home we bought, quite a while ago, a battery operated sensor bin. Some friends had one and, once we’d used their sensor bin, we knew we wanted one too. However, as is often the way, the engineering to keep it at a lower price, was not as good as th
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 | S05E024, Push or Pull? Andy B 2 Minute Video | Every day we have to make decision whether to push ahead or pull back. It can be as simple as whether we rush into the car park for our daily work, or taking our time to letting someone take our place in the supermarket queue, or jumping in between two pe
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 | S05E023, Splinters and Infections, Andy B 2 Minute Video | While cutting back some hedges I had a sudden, sharp, whack to my hand from a branch that had whipped towards me. Unfortunately, there was a thorn on said branch which banged into my hand. The remnants of a thorn were still stuck in my glove! so I got a g
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 | S05E022, The Power of Friends, Andy B 2 Minute Video | “You’ve got a friend in me” so the lyrics go from a song used in Toy Story. Wonder if you’re singing the rest of that song right now, or humming it and annoying your colleagues?
We are made to be with other people. God designed us to function in commun
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 | S05E018, Toilet Seat Hinges, Andy B 2 Minute Video | While repairing the seat hinge on one of our toilets a couple of things occurred to me.
Well, to be honest 3 things occurred to me.
Firstly, that I needed to clean the toilet soon!
Secondly, that it’s worth remembering the next time I use a toile
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| S05E016, Take 5!!!, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Are you in a busy season right now?
There’s nothing wrong with being busy! But, when you’re experiencing a period of time with a little more to do than normal, don’t forget to take 5 and, in my case, make yourself a mug of tea and enjoy what you’ve alr
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 | S05E017, Just Stand Still! Andy B 2 Minute Video | In 1996 my girlfriend, and I, were walking through the central heart of Manchester City Centre. We had noticed a very heavy police presence, and police helicopters flying overhead but we had no clue what was shortly coming!
There was a sudden crack, an
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 | S05E015, A Little Bit Cheeky... Andy B 2 Minute Video | Sometimes we just need to exercise a little less caution, and be a bit cheeky.
I once heard a great sermon from a preacher who was talking about how the Holy Spirit sometimes works in what appears to be a sneaky way. Now, I’d interpret that to mean tha
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 | S05E014, Helpers are Helpful! Andy B 2 Minute Video | When life throws you something you weren’t expecting, it’s always a good idea to get some help!
Sometimes those helpers can do no more than just listen to whatever it is you are struggling with. But, they can also have some wisdom – especially if they
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 | S05E012, Say What?!? Andy B 2 Minute Video | Do you ever have those moments when you’re listening to someone who is in the middle of saying something, and it is as if somebody just slapped the back of your hear. Because what they just said was absolutely not what you were expecting.
Perhaps it is
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 | S05E011, Excitement is Exciting!!! Andy B 2 Minute Video | Excitement is contagious isn’t it. Well, unless that excitement is at the cost of something you’re losing out on. Although, sometimes it can be super exciting to see someone get they something they really deserve – that excitement can even transcend our o
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 | S05E010, Am I Imagining It? Andy B 2 Minute Video | Do you ever have feel that something has changed around you? But you can’t quite put your finger on what it is?
It’s a little like sitting in your car, when the car next to you starts pulling away – while you’re stationary. You suddenly feel as though
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 | S05E005, Where Did That Come From? Andy B 2 Minute Video | As we move through life, with jobs, cars, houses, rent, children, funerals and so much more, it can often appear rather shocking when things either go away when we weren’t expecting it, or perhaps more difficult to cope with, when things were going our aw
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 | S05E004, Hope Never Disappoints! Andy B 2 Minute Video | Hope can sometimes feel like a premium we’ll never be able to afford.
With rising energy costs – 80% in the UK, and that’s just the most recent rise – it can truly appear terrifying to look ahead.
As Christians we are, of course, not immune from t
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 | S05E003, Do Your Part! Andy B 2 Minute Video | During the Second World War there were posters with “Do Your Part” These were more commonly used by the US to seek to inspire American women to get involved in the war effort, from the Home Front – working in machine shops, factories, farms and wherever t
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 | S05E001, Back To Business! Andy B 2 Minute Video | I’m back! I hope you’ve missed these short daily reflections on life. I’ve certainly missed making them!
I took a pause because I’d been doing them, without any proper break, for nearly two years and I wanted to pause long enough to have a rest so I co
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