| S03E029, Fit for Purpose, Andy B 2 Minute Video | I’ve spent most of my adult, working life, wearing a hard hat, glove and steel toe capped boots. Because I love my head and my toes and wish to keep them the way they should be. I banged my head, pretty badly, early on – because I thought hard hats were s
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 | S03E026, Rejecting Acceptance, Andy B 2 Minute Video | How often do we learn to become comfortable with the uncomfortable?
Pain is a brilliantly designed tool, that God gave to us for our own protection!
It’s been said that if we didn’t feel pain when a stone got in our shoe, we’d keep going until our f
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 | S03E025, Identical but Different, Andy B 2 Minute Video | We all know the game spot the difference. Sometimes those differences can be so subtle, they can appear almost identical.
But look long enough, and you’ll start to see the difference. The longer you look at the two images, the more they can look the sa
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 | S03E019, God, You and Me! Andy B 2 Minute Video | Modern Christianity has skewed how we see God and the devil. It has skewed God into some sort of best mate or pal. And we absolutely should see God as always approachable. But we should do so, seeing Him with the respect we’d have for an earthly father, t
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 | S03E013, Keepin on Keeping On, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Some days and weeks can be easier than others.
Sometimes, we can hit Tuesday morning and feel like the end of our working week is further than we can manage.
But God reminds, us repeatedly, that when we put our hands and lives in His, we’ll always w
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 | S03E007, Don’t Miss God! Andy B 2 Minute Video | Andy B was inspired by a post, written by a friend, that reminded us all that sometimes we can be surprised when God does answer our prayers.
Also, while filming Little Blessings Online, Andy was thinking about how Dave the Dog had thought of that talk
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