About Us
We are a family who love producing free resources to help others. Whether you’re a church, a family or just interested, you can find a whole smorgasbord of resources.
Check out the rest of this website where you can find video resources for children, for teenagers, for adults, for marriages and much more.
Everything is free to use, stream, share and download!
Our Vision
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission: for free, for all.
“We’re blessed to be a family who all love Jesus and we want to inspire and encourage other families to do the same. Our shared delight and passion is to see children introduced to their own relationship with Jesus, so they can take the gospel where adults can’t!” Andy B
Meet the BerryBunch
Raised in a home that didn’t have Jesus, Jo Jo actually chose to allow Jesus to be her Saviour when she was at University, and in France. She was baptised in a lake near Lyon and her testimony is simply AMAZING.
She is the passion and glue that holds all things BerryBunch together, always believing in Andy and the boys and encouraging them to get ever closer to Jesus in their individual walks with Him.
She has been to some amazing places in her lifetime, from Walsall to Devon, and Spain to the USA and Tonga. But her favourite place is always wherever her family is!
Andy may well lead the BerryBunch family, but Jo makes it all possible!
Andy B

He’s driven oversized trucks, helped deliver breastfeeding workshops to mums to be, been filmed for Sky TV, organised and delivered a Christingle to nearly 800 people (not long after googling “what is a Christingle?”).
He can usually be found sat at a computer editing a video or two.
He started leading worship when he was ten years old, and especially loves helping young children and families meet with Jesus.

He enjoys running and all things exercise! He is a fine purveyor of music and is the BerryBunch go to person for ideas, inspiration and all sorts of brain like things!
He loves pushing people to be the best they can be, and always in a cheery way.

He is our resident photography and video expert. He also seems to have swallowed a dictionary, a thesaurus and a whole set of encyclopaedias.
He enjoys making good use of his pudding stomach, but is amazingly self controlled too; he always has a secret supply of chocolate we sometimes borrow.
He is the poshest of us all, operates in him own time zone, and we love him for it: he doesn’t allow us to ever stray far from being organised and peaceful.

Peter is a rather large supporter of Lego…and has the Lego models to prove it! It’s not often he can be found without a Lego model being built, modified or displayed.
He is an endless source of joy and has the tenacity and persistence of a Yorkshire Terrier!
Peter is the energy bump we all need, and always leaves the people he meets feeling lighter and brighter.

We couldn’t miss Magdi off our family bio.
She lived for just 11 weeks, but became a source of hope. Her life brought some much needed perspective.
This image is one we made to remember her.