| S04E100, Pausing Is Good for You!! Andy B 2 Minute Video | Well, that’s it - this is my 100th episode of Andy B 2 Minute Videos in this current season (and my 148th overall). We’ve only recently reached 1,000 posts across the BerryBunch, and now I’ve just finished my 100th episode of my weekday thought provokers.
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 | S04E098, Peace Trumps Fear, Andy B 2 Minute Video | The UK has seen a terrifying increase in costs for heating and cooking. In the middle of summer, heating seems like something to not worry about. But the latest estimates are that a family who are paying £300 in the summer, will be paying £500 by October
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 | S04E090, T Cutting Out The Good, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Good things and bad things. They make up our lives! And it’s easy to want to forget about the bad things, especially those mistakes we made that we don’t want anybody else to ever know about.
We can accomplish, some of the time. But, there are some mis
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 | S04E084, Andy B 2 Minute Video, Good Struggles | Life can be full of struggles. Some can be good – like the effort needed to build muscle in a gym. The struggle feels good, because we can – possibly slowly – see a positive difference to our bodies. Some struggles can be bad – like grieving a loved one w
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 | S04E083, Andy B 2 Minute Video, Clear The Memory Banks | When carrying out some rather widespread and deep website building work, Nathan and I ran across a really odd problem to have! Because, every time we loaded one video, another one kept on displaying instead.
After something of a panic, since it seemed
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 | S04E074, Half and Half, Andy B 2 Minute Video | In the garden, to one side of our home, sits a bush. It has the most stunning, beautiful, purple flowers, that literally can take your breath away, such is the colour. But that’s only half the story. Because the other half of this same bush is looking rat
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 | S04E080, Get a second opinion! Andy B 2 Minute Video | While filming some new material I made one small mistake, and gave one file the wrong title. When looking through the files on the computer later, I realised it had caused a whole bunch of files to now appear to be incorrectly labelled.
After spending
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 | S04E065, Watering It Down, Andy B 2 Minute Video | If you buy something in a concentrated form, they you need to add water, usually, in order to make it user friendly.
From screen wash for our cars to squashes in our kitchens and washing up liquid, we routinely buy things that need to be watered down t
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 | S04E063, Record Players and Joy, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Music. It can move in pretty amazing ways, and God designed, and hand made us, to be able to enjoy music.
Vinyl records were once at the height of technology for listening to music at home. Later CDs took over, and now digital music is streamed to us i
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 | S04E062, New Life needs the Old, Andy B 2 Minute Video | A friend in the US sent me a photo from her garden. And it struck me just how much the old vegetation had protected the new flowers growing, because the old had literally covered over the new, during the winter.
With Easter just a week away at the time
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 | S04E061, Look Behind You! Andy B 2 Minute Video | While being the awesome husband I am, I kindly drove jo to work again. It meant I could do some shopping without making a second trip, and we could some time together in the car. She got to have a couple of hours in the office and come home again.
By t
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 | S04E059, Jesus’ Virtual Ministry, Andy B 2 Minute Video | A cup of tea with a friend can be a great way of spending our time! Talking to someone, seeing the reaction on their face as we say something, helps steer the conversation. It is invaluable feedback to deepen the relationship.
As a preacher, or as a wo
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 | S04E056, What’s Gone Has Gone, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Time. The one sure thing we can be certain of is that time cares not for how we’re doing. It doesn’t go faster when we need it to. And no matter how much we will it, it won’t slow down either.
Times marches ever on!
For our online Ministry we’ve tak
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 | S04E053, Be Led, Not Driven! Andy B 2 Minute Video | While chatting with a friend this morning, I was struck by the ease with which we can be driven along by life, when we really should be resisting that pressure, and being led instead.
Sure, there can be life issues which pop up in front of us, which we
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 | S04E052, Tuck and Roll! Andy B 2 Minute Video | With life it often seems like we have just two choices to make - wrap ourselves in plastic bubble wrap to protect us from falls and pain. Or we can wear a crash helmet and keep charging on!
Actually, I think there is a third option – a little bit of bu
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 | S04E049, Keep Going, Andy B 2 Minute Video | There is so much in life that can drag us down and make us give up. But, there is much reason to keep going!
Andy B started a project in September 2021 – writing a book. This is a project a friend had asked him to undertake. And it’s quite a rapid turn
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 | S04E046, The Right To Speak? Andy B 2 Minute Video | When you’re broken down you want to see a recovery truck.
When you’re broken down physically you want to see a doctor and a hospital.
When you’re broken down spiritually or emotionally, you want a compassionate person who looks like they have someth
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 | S04E045, What Time Is It? Andy B 2 Minute Video | Being able to tell the time is a benchmark in our family. As each of our children has learned to tell the time, on an analogue clock, they get their first wrist watch - and a special trip with Dad to go pick out their very first wristwatch.
Knowing wha
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 | S04E044, That Sinking Feeling, Andy B 2 Minute Video | "Broken beyond repair." "Needs some TLC." "Don’t know what’s wrong, but it’s yours if you want it."
Looking through Facebook Marketplace at “FREE STUFF” and you can be surprised by what people give away for free.
Now, admittedly, some of that free s
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 | S04E042, We All Need A Friend, Andy B 2 Minute Video | It’s so encouraging when we can advise someone, or help them, and see a burden lifted from their shoulders.
It could be as simple as lending someone a phone, or giving them a life. Perhaps we take them a meal or two when they’re ill, or even just movin
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 | S04E041, Resting Is Proactive! Andy B 2 Minute Video | We love accomplishing things. Perhaps, like me, you use a digital To Do List. It is immensely satisfying clicking that little tick box, and having the satisfaction of having accomplished something else.
It can be addictive.
We can end up working so
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 | S04E037, Fires, Vents and Fuel, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Log Burners are great for romantic nights, or just to warm the room.
However, it isn’t always quite as simple as just throwing some wood inside and chucking in a match!
You’ve got make sure the wood is dry – in the UK it is really frowned upon to us
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 | S04E036, Pancakes Aren’t Fiddly! Andy B 2 Minute Video | Pancakes are a great way of having fun while you cook AND eat. And we like them a lot in the BerryBunch household!
We all take part in both sides of the process, but, of course, the ending – and eating – is always the more popular. And that’s just Andy
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 | S04E028, Whiplash Weather, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Sitting in my lounge one morning, and I could see lovely, beautiful, skies out of one window. Turn my head, and a window on the other side of the house only showed dark, ominous looking clouds.
And life can be like that. Depending on where we’re lookin
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 | S04E025, Tables, Chairs, Faith and Decision Making, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Life can be full of challenges!
Sometimes it is the difficulty of making, what should be, a really simple decision. But, with age, comes wisdom. And with wisdom comes arrogance. Without God’s intervention, we’d be doing life on our own. Wait, don’t we
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 | S04E020, Autumn, Death and Life, Andy B 2 Minute Video | After seeing some beautiful images of Autumn, or Fall – depending on what part of the world you live in – Andy B got thinking about cycles of life.
Because in life, just like those leaves, what can seem the end, can also just be the beginning of someth
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 | S04E013, Rocking Chair Worries, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Andy B took Jo for her return trip to the dentist, but while Andy and Jo share many traits and interests, one thing Jo does REALLY well, is not worrying about things she either has no control over, or things that haven’t yet come to pass.
With a hyper-
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 | S04E007, A Busy Business, Andy B 2 Minute Video | Church can mean lots of different things to different people.
For some it is a place you’d only visit on high days and holidays – Christmas and Easter, and maybe birth and death!
For others it is somewhere we see as the place we go to each Sunday mo
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 | S04E004, Andy B 2 Minute Video, Don't Wait To Live | Andy and Jo are fasting for a week, because of some big life decisions coming up in the future, and found themselves waiting for these big changes to occur, before they start really enjoying living life to the full.
Can you relate to this? Waiting for
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