| #TestimonyTuesday: Prayers from a Friend | As many of you will know, I have been struggling for quite a while now with nausea, stomach pain and sickness.
?Recently I experienced some pain and rather intense nausea, so I hovered near a bucket expecting to be sick. However, little did I know that
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 | #TestimonyTuesday: Pray About It! | Recently, I’ve started praying about everything I’m about to do, or have already done.
I don’t mean I pray about every single thing, but most key things I do.
For instance: I pray before I start my Education – that I will remember what I learn and g
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 | #TestimonyTuesday: Praying in Tongues | Over the past few months, I have struggled with stomach pain, nausea and occasional sickness. It has been hard, but there have been things that I can do to help such as eating little and often and sipping water regularly.
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 | #TestimonyTuesday: Perfect Father! | Something struck me as I was preparing for Father's Day last week.
This is a great opportunity for the church to celebrate fatherhood - to celebrate all men who play a father role. After all, it's one of the commandments to honour your Father and Mo
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 | #TestimonyTuesday: Cliff College Festival Highlights | It was a 3 day festival (4 for us with setting up as well) but to be invited was one specific answer to prayer. On top of that was all the monies we needed to attend; create a display stand; get flyers and signage printed - none of which we had, and all o
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 | #TestimonyTuesday: Play It By Ear | Something happened whilst I was at Cliff College over the Bank Holiday Weekend, something so exciting that it remains the highlight of the festival for me!
The whole of the BerryBunch was at Cliff College for the annual Fest and we spent most of our ti
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 | #TestimonyTuesday: I got the job | I got the job!!
As many of you know, just before Christmas last year I lost my job. I worked my last official day on the 7th January, since that day I have been on a mission job searching.
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 | #TestimonyTuesday: Panic, Peace and Perfect Timing | Every day is a learning day, and every day God is still very much at work.
Read our latest testimony of God at work today!
Our car broke down. We’ve got a pretty good bus network and timetable. But, daily life – for us – and with no money for repair
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 | #TestimonyTuesday: Keep. On. Praying. | Every day is a learning day, and every day God is still very much at work.
Read our latest testimony of God at work today!
Today's Testimony Tuesday post is a recent one for the BerryBunch, and is a reminder for us to all keep on praying.
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 | #TestimonyTuesday: A Mechanical Miracle | We've seen some miracles in our days on this earth but this was a dramatic one, even for us!
So, our car hit a pothole - well a sunken manhole cover actually (if that translates ok).
We took it to a local garage to get the wheel alignment checked o
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 | #TestimonyTuesday: A Financial Miracle | Obedience is a good thing, and sometimes we just need to obey.
In a previous post we did something we’re not overly comfortable with, and asked people if they would consider supporting us in different ways, including supporting us financially.
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 | TestimonyTuesday: A Prayerful Miracle | Throughout 2022 the BerryBunch had a few times of leave/holiday. But these were, each, ruined by illness and sickness. As we approached our [first] 3 week break in February 2023, we asked our Berrybunch supporters and friends to pray for healing; as a fam
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 | #TestimonyTuesday - A Recent Healing Miracle | I've been struggling with Atrial Fibrillation for a while. I won't bore you with the details, but it isn't much fun. At the heart of the matter is, well the heart! And, in the most general terms there is atrial fibrillation, and there is mild atrial fibri
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 | Testimony Tuesday: God Saves | Jo is the prettier side to Andy B. She is the heart behind everything we do as a family so we’re thrilled one of her Testimonies on this #TestimonyTuesday.
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 | Testimony Tuesday: Unexpected Relief | Sometimes life can seem a bit unbearable. We wonder how much more we can take.
Well, today’s testimony is really about reaching that point of breaking, only for God to step in, in the way only He is capable of doing, and offering some Unexpected Relief
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 | Testimony Tuesday: Heating Help | I wonder if you catch yourself looking forwards, worrying about the future.
Well, this #TestimonyTuesday really speaks of why we should trust God with our future – because He cares for us, and every single detail of our lives!
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 | Testimony Tuesday: A New Video Editing Computer | I love how God cares for the specifics of our lives, and the level of attention to those seemingly small details is always something a bit more than just breath taking! And, sometimes miracles happen that we were waiting impatiently for. Sometimes, we may
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 | Testimony Tuesday: A New Job | Living by faith is a pretty exciting way of living. In some ways I can’t, humanly, recommend it – not if you want to see money before it is needed, and are happy relying on your own abilities.
But, if you want to truly serve God, then stepping out for
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 | Testimony Tuesday: Another miracle house move | Moving house is expensive. REALLY expensive. Due to the joys of the housing market in the UK, a job market which can be quite unsettling, we’ve become far too expert at moving house. But, God has us covered for all that He asks us to do.
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 | Testimony Tuesday: A Moment with Our Creator | Today’s testimony comes from Beth Alisan, and her blog, Lessons from a Lab. Her testimony speaks not just of God’s goodness, and God’s provision – but also God’s ever perfect timing. And, if you haven’t come across Beth’s blog, it is simply superb and I a
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 | Testimony Tuesday: 1,000 Posts – How did that happen? | I wondered if this was a proper #TestimonyTuesday post. My family – rather passionately – told me that it was, so, here we are!
1,000 posts is quite a thing to celebrate, and it’s only because of God! So, enjoy some of the journey that led to the Berry
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 | Testimony Tuesday: God’s provision | This testimony comes from a friend called Darlene, via DingDash.
It speaks of God’s miraculous provision for so many things, including needs for health and a home. It shows His love for us – as His children – and how God uses all sorts of people to hel
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 | Testimony Tuesday: A Miracle Home | This testimony is a miracle involving finding a new home, in really difficult situations and with limited time. Once again we saw God provide a miracle home for our family, just in time.
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 | Testimony Tuesday: Miraculous Healing | This Testimony Tuesday is all about the healing hand of God, timing and faith! God wants to heal, but we don’t always see healing – so when we pray for healing and see it, immediately, we should give all the glory to God!
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 | Testimony Tuesday: A Sudden Answer To Prayer, Part I | This is another two part #TestimonyTuesday miracle of God’s kindness, goodness and an answer to prayer that feels like it rivals Daniel, praying, and an angel interrupting his prayer time with the answer – before he had even said Amen and finished!
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 | Testimony Tuesday: A Miracle Car, Part II | This week’s #TestimonyTuesday is Part II of a mini-series about a 2nd free car that Andy and Jo were gifted. They’d had to suddenly scrap a car, were both unemployed and needed a car for interviews. Catch part 1, A Miracle Car, Part I.
Read on!
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 | Testimony Tuesday – Lost and Found | Every Tuesday we’ll post a testimony with the hashtag #TestimonyTuesday. We love testimonies because they are such a powerful statement of a living God at work today!
Peter's rabbit on the washing line
The following testimony comes from Peter – the yo
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 | Testimony Tuesday – Hearing God’s Audible Voice | Every Tuesday we’ll post a testimony with the hashtag #TestimonyTuesday.
It’s a great idea I was inspired to imitate, from another blogger. Testimonies are so powerful because they are truths from our life. I love reading them, and look forward to readin
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 | Testimony Tuesday – God at work! | Every Tuesday we’ll post a testimony with the hashtag #TestimonyTuesday.
It’s a great idea I was inspired to imitate, from another blogger. Testimonies are so powerful because they are truths from our life. I love reading them, and look forward to readin
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 | Testimony Tuesday – God on the move in Ukraine | Every Tuesday we’ll post a testimony with the hashtag #TestimonyTuesday.
It’s a great idea I was inspired to imitate, from another blogger. Testimonies are so powerful because they are truths from our life. I love reading them, and look forward to readin
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 | Testimony Tuesday – Steven’s Testimony | Every Tuesday we’ll post a testimony with the hashtag #TestimonyTuesday.
It’s a great idea I was inspired to imitate, from another blogger. Testimonies are so powerful because they are truths from our life. I love reading them, and look forward to readin
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 | Testimony Tuesday – The Greatest Mission Ever | Every Tuesday we’ll post a testimony with the hashtag #TestimonyTuesday.
It’s a great idea I was inspired to imitate, from another blogger. Testimonies are so powerful because they are truths from our life. I love reading them, and look forward to readin
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 | Testimony Tuesday – My Story In 100 Words, by Jo | Every Tuesday we’ll post a testimony with the hashtag #TestimonyTuesday.
It’s a great idea I was inspired to imitate, from another blogger. Testimonies are so powerful because they are truths from our life. I love reading them, and look forward to readin
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 | Our First Testimony Tuesday post | I've written, edited, and scheduled our first #TestimonyTuesday post.
This is an exciting new, and regular, output for us, and we have Nicola to thank for her own post which she titled #TestimonyTuesday. Go read the post for yourself, and you'll see wh
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