#TestimonyTuesday: God Saves
Jo is the prettier side to Andy B.
She is the heart behind everything we do as a family so we’re thrilled one of her Testimonies on this #TestimonyTuesday. |
God Saves
I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121: 1-2)
I have heard that it’s good to open with a joke and I happen to have one!
I was struggling to know how to deal with a situation at work and I was reminded of the joke about the guy who asked God for help. Do you know the one I mean? Whether you’ve heard it before or not, let me share this joke:
A man goes swimming and gets pulled out to sea. A boat passes by him and the man is told to climb aboard but he says, “I have faith, God will save me.”
The Coast Guard arrives with a rescue helicopter and tells him to climb the ladder up, but he says, “I have faith, God will save me.”
The man is now getting tired but thankfully a dolphin swims under him and starts to carry him to shore, but the man pushes the dolphin away saying “I have faith, God will save me.
The man dies and goes to Heaven. He asks God “Why didn’t you save me?”
God replies “I tried! I sent a ship, a helicopter, and a dolphin!”
I was drowning in a way at work with a situation beyond my control. I, like the guy in the joke, cried out to God in prayer.
God sent me a loving, strong, compassionate husband who I could talk to, who listened and who stepped in to support me.
God sent a kind, caring, supportive colleague who listened and provided much needed advice.
God sent an understanding, kind-hearted, trustworthy Manager who provided an opportunity to talk, much needed reassurance and a way forward.
God knows what we need before we ask him, and God is a God who rescues. God rescued me. The God of the universe helped me by sending my husband, a colleague, and a manager.
I, unlike the guy in the joke, took the help available to me, knowing that God sent this help.
God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. (Psalm 46:1)