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#TestimonyTuesday – God at work!

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Every Tuesday we’ll post a testimony with the hashtag #TestimonyTuesday.

It’s a great idea I was inspired to imitate, from another blogger. Testimonies are so powerful because they are truths from our life. I love reading them, and look forward to reading many more.

Testimonies are so wonderfully powerful!

This testimony comes from Jo and is right at the heart of why we love #TestimonyTuesday. In this testimony, Jo shares how God has helped her in her work life.

God always has a plan and cares for us – here is another personal account of God at work!

Read on!

God at work!

I had to learn to invite God into my work, to remember to seek his direction in my workplace and to understand that God wants to be involved in all areas of my life, including work.

I have had times when I have prayed at the start of my working day, during my working day and even at the end of my working day. I have prayed with others at work and sought prayer from others for work related issues, but I’ll be honest I am still learning to involve God more in my working life.

And yet, God has guided me to some amazing opportunities, and I just don’t know how he does it! Some years ago, when I chose to change from one career to another, God covered the shortfall in pay by providing my husband with a higher paid job, just at the right time. As I look back at my career, I see how different work experiences have led to new jobs and opportunities, as God steered me in the right direction.

In the last few years, I have returned to work in the Criminal Justice System, and I see how God has had his hand in this, leading me to the right job at the right time, having provided the right opportunities along the way and giving me confidence to step out into new challenging workplace situations with Him.

God is at work!


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