E05E061, But I don't want to fight, Andy B 2 Minute Video
It’s easy to jump into the day with a smile on our face and a coffee in our hand. Although I don’t recommend jumping with a coffee in your hand, unless you have a sealed flask that you trust. Then your smile will change and you’ll remember you should have drunk tea instead!
However we start the day – whether we love mornings or loathe them, we all face similar issues, that have nothing to do with how much money we have, whether we work in the home or in an office or on a building site or whether we work at all!
We will, each of us, face challenges which will knock us for six and toss us around like a leaf on a giant, cresting, wave as it reaches the land.
When you become a Christian the devil will seek to corrupt you, distract you, tempt you, put you down and make you as insignificant as he can make you feel. That’s all he knows to do, because he’s fighting a rear guard action from a battle that he has already lost.
Don’t ever underestimate the devil, but don’t ever forget that, as Christians, we’re on the side that already won the final battle…and that God is bigger, so there’s never a need to fear with God walking behind us, ahead of us, by our side…
Sometimes we can feel so down by life – and we’ve all been there, for a billion different reasons – that we want to give up.
Don’t! Get up and fight. You can’t stand while lying down, so get up and stand. And if you have to fight to get on your feet get it done!
Just a thought...
Andy B

[00:00:00] So another Andy B two minute video, and I don't know where you're at in life.
[00:00:13] Are you the kind of person that no matter what, you get up with a skip in your step, have a cup of coffee, and you are into the day, charging away no matter what that's your routine?
[00:00:22] Or are you perhaps like me more so? I wake up and think, wow, I'm and my, I think, my body's really not very happy, and I think I need my fifth cup of tea to get me going. We, we arrive, we arrive in the day, we approach life very differently. But one thing that's common to all of us is we're gonna find, we're gonna find trials ahead of us.
[00:00:41] If you have become a Christian and people have told you, do you know what, become a Christian life gets great, it's much better, can I just apologize 'cos you've been lied to! It was meant well, but it's not true. When you become a Christian the devil, who is a very real adversary is gonna be targeting you.
[00:00:59] Now, don't ever be [00:01:00] afraid by that. He's bigger than you, God's bigger than him! If we're on God's side, God's bigger than him. So it's all good. But we're in his domain. This world, it's where the devil gets to hang out and play, sadly. That wasn't God's plan, but God gives us free will and choice.
[00:01:19] Now, when things go really hard, do you keep fighting, or do you just think, I, I just want to curl up into a ball? Can I encourage you to fight?
[00:01:30] Now, as Christians, we think of standing, on the word of God, as part of the armor of God. We stand with the gospel of peace. We have peace, therefore, we can stand, but we also need to fight.
[00:01:40] Now, in eighties and nineties, there is this stupid thing that we are gonna fight the devil, we are gonna do all these things absolute rubbish. Our role as Christians is not to fight but to stand. But this Andy B is all about fighting, because we need to fight, to keep going. Yeah, stand on the gospel. That comes from the readiness of having peace, but we need to fight. [00:02:00]
[00:02:01] This is my book, Broken Dreams and Hope!
[00:02:03] Is there somebody you know of who is downhearted, who has a difficulty in their life, who's thinking, I had hopes and they've been dashed and I don't see the point in fighting? Can I encourage you, if you've gotta shout at them, get them on their feet and fighting for the next footstep.
[00:02:22] Sometimes we've gotta fight just to stand, but we need to do that!
[00:02:27] This book is all about how life comes along, broken dreams, it gets crushed. Our fight gets blown out of us, like being winded. But with God, we can fight because there's always hope. That's what that's all about.
[00:02:42] Maybe buy a copy and send it to somebody who's a bit low.
[00:02:51] Just a thought.
Andy B, 29/03/2023