S06E021, Apples Are Falling, Andy B 2 Minute Video
Andy B reflects on the process of growth and maturity, drawing inspiration from apples falling from trees in his garden. Just as apples need time on the tree to ripen and become useful, we too require patience and time to grow into our full potential. Whether it’s learning to walk or ride a bike, growth is gradual and cannot be rushed.
Andy reminds us that we often want to skip the process and reach maturity instantly, but life doesn’t work that way. Growth happens through seasons of waiting, learning, and experiencing both challenges and blessings. Trust in God’s timing, and allow yourself to ripen into who you’re meant to be, just as nature intended.
Just a thought...
Andy B

So another Andy B two minute video, thinking about apples falling into the garden and our garden is a grounds. It's beautiful. We've got apple trees. We've got different trees, actually. And we've had some very, strong winds of late. Which have pushed a lot of the apples onto the floor.
Now we've seen them falling over time, some very, tiny. And of course, the longer you let those apples sit on the tree, getting more and more right, the bigger they become, the more useful they become. If you want to make an apple pie, if you like that sort of thing. I don't, but that's fine. And what we've seen is recently deer come through, groups of deer just wandered through the garden and they start munching on the apples.
Saw a crow flying off with an apple. Not the biggest one, not the smallest one either. Quite interesting to watch, but this is the thing about our lives, isn't it? We don't do well as people waiting. For God to help us come to ripeness, to being fully matured. We want to get there straight away. We've seen it with our with children, haven't we?
With our own children. We try and help them to learn to walk or ride a bike. And what do they want to do? They want to go mounting, biking. they haven't actually got rid of the stabilizers yet. They need to learn. To mature in that ability of cycling. It's the same with walking. You put a child set to stand up and they wanna run and they wanna do all these amazing things, but they need to learn to walk first.
And as they mature, as they ripen, so to speak, they then begin to be able to walk better. And this is our lives. We are not necessarily naturally inclined. To wait for God to help us to ripen and mature. We want to get there before we have to be there. We want to just arrive. But life isn't like that, is it?
Are you patiently waiting for God to help you to ripen? Just like the apples on the tree outside of my window. It takes time for those apples to ripen and they fall on the floor and they can be eaten by insects. But if you get it right and you can pull them when they're nice and ripe, now you've got really good apples.
And that's our lives. So much of the time is waiting for God to help us come to ripeness, to maturity. So we are more useful. Don't rush through trying to be a fully grown up apple. It's just not going to happen. You need to allow the seasons to come and go. For the sun and the rain and the moonshine and all that stuff needs to happen around you in order to come to maturity.
Don't rush being patient while waiting for God. Just a thought
Andy B, 10/12/2024