S06E015, Phone A Friend, Andy B 2 Minute Video
Friends are great to have around us, but friends who know they can speak into our lives with things that we’re not necessarily going to want to hear are even better.
I’ve always ensured that I have a few people I trust with all sorts of details of my life, so when I got and ask them advice they already know lots about me, and they know they have permission to speak into my life things that I might not want to hear.
Simply put, there are always people – who I don’t name – because those relationships matter so much to me; they are people who I turn to when I have something where I simply don’t know what to do. Or, sometimes, because I just need a sounding board or someone to encourage me to do what I already knew I should do, but needed some confidence to do!
Don’t just surround yourself with people who you know will agree with you – find a few people who can speak into your life things you don’t want to hear too.
It’s a game changer!
Just a thought...
Andy B

[00:00:00] So another Andy B Two Minute Video with me, your host, Andy B. Yes, that'll be me. Right.
[00:00:13] Phone a friend.
[00:00:14] Just getting to be radio groove there.
[00:00:15] Phone a friend. What's this one about?
[00:00:17] In life, there are going to be problems and situations where we know what to do. You know, it's not complicated. We don't need advice. We don't need guidance. It's fairly simple for us to work out. Well, this is what I need to do.
[00:00:29] Really, really thirsty? Get a glass of water. How do we get a glass of water? Well, we get a glass, make sure it's clean. We put it under the tap, or wherever we get our water from, then we can take a drink. Okay. We understand that that's basic, simple daily occurrence, but there are plenty of other stuff where actually, we're not necessarily going to make the right call quite so easily because, perhaps, there are other factors involved.
[00:00:52] Maybe, you've seen a film or a TV show and you'll see a doctor say, well, I can't really help you with this one because I know this person, so [00:01:00] I'm going to have a conflict of interest.
[00:01:01] It's the same with police officers. Well, yeah, I can arrest this person, but, you know, this, this is my friend and this gets complicated. And there are systems in place.
[00:01:12] It doesn't obfuscate a doctor from being able to help their friend. It doesn't prevent a police officer from doing the right thing and arresting someone who's committing a criminal act. But then there are systems in place after that.
[00:01:21] Sometimes we need to phone a friend, we need to get help, we need to get support, we need to get advice. I would always heartily recommend this.
[00:01:28] You may not know it because I don't necessarily show you this, and why would I? I shouldn't, actually. But there are various people in my life that I have around that I go to for advice. Something difficult comes up, I'm not sure of the consequence because, perhaps, it affects more than myself, more than my family, more than a group of people. Well, that's when I go and get some advice.
[00:01:48] Or if I'm just stuck and don't know what to do, which is the right action? I don't like standing being unsure because it's tiring. So I phone a friend. Sometimes I actually phone a friend with a [00:02:00] telephone. I actually make a phone call. Often it's just a message on WhatsApp or Signal or Telegram or Facebook Messenger or a text message or an email. This is what's going on, what do you think I should do?
[00:02:13] Here's the thing about asking people to help you be accountable, which is the fancy way of saying that. You need people who you can be accountable to, but, they need to be able to say things into your life, which you're not going to want to hear as well. Otherwise, there's no point. None of us wants a sycophant in our life. Yes, yes, you're doing brilliant. You're doing great. Oh, it's wonderful.
[00:02:33] We need people who can speak truth into our lives.
[00:02:36] Truth that we want to hear and truth that we don't. And if you don't have the latter part, it's not accountability.
[00:02:42] Sometimes you need to phone a friend, but make sure they have permission to say no.
[00:02:47] Just a thought.
Andy B, 08/03/2024