S06E013, Cut Up Apples Rule! Andy B 2 Minute Videos
Eating an apple is good for your teeth and gums, or so I was told. Unless, that is, you’re on blood thinners when eating an apple may be a little more challenging.
There is a solution though – cut it up!
Actually I’ve got one better recently as I eat an apple during the start of my weekday radio show because I now use a fork!
Don’t worry, I haven’t lost the plot. It’s just that if I eat it with my fingers, while I no longer have the issue of blood thinners ruining the simple pleasure of eating an apple, I do have to think of others. And, if I eat it with my fingers, I’ll leave sticky evidence all over our Broadcast Studio Computer keyboard and mouse.
Not much fun for the next presenter who comes along!
Is there anyone in your life who could benefit from a similar, simple, soul enriching change to something you do?
Ok, ‘soul enriching’ might be stretching the point (but it was a third word starting with the letter “S”. But, who knows what simple changes you could make to improve the life of someone else?
Just a thought…
Andy B

[00:00:00] so another Andy B Two Minute Video and I was thinking about cut up apples. This is not a cookery show all of a sudden.
[00:00:16] One of the things I found is, I, I had blood thinners a long time ago and I couldn't eat apples because if I ate an apple, Invariably, it would cause my gums to bleed, bleeding gums whilst on blood thinners is actually pretty bad, 'cos it takes a very long time to stop.
[00:00:33] It's not especially dangerous, at one level, but it's not much fun. So I got into having cut up apples and one of my family would slice up the apples, because I was worried about knives quite a while. And that's one of those things.
[00:00:45] Recently I've switched back to having cut up apples. Having come off blood thinners more than a year ago, why am I switching back to cut up apples? Well it's because I'm thinking of others. Before I was thinking of myself, and others, because I didn't want my [00:01:00] family to panic that my mouth was bleeding because I'd just eaten an apple. But now I get my apple cut up for me, because when I go on to my radio show, invariably at 3pm, it starts, 5 to 3 I suddenly remember I really would like an apple to start my show, and I haven't got time. So one of my sons then cuts me an apple and brings me a glass of water, lovingly chilled, and some sliced up apple.
[00:01:24] Why am I talking about this? If I don't have the apple cut up, I no longer am in risk of having bleeding gums, that problem has gone. But I am at risk, if I eat an apple normally at that stage, of getting all the apple juice over the keyboard, and the mouse of the radio broadcast's computer. That would not be great. It wouldn't be overly serious. It's not the end of the world, it's a bit of stickiness from the apple. But it's not much fun for the next person that comes along.
[00:01:50] Cut up apples. The reason why I do it? In the past, well, it was because of blood thinners. Today, I do it because it's just easier for everybody else, because they then haven't got to deal [00:02:00] with the issue of sticky mouse, and a sticky keyboard.
[00:02:03] Sometimes in our lives, there are some really simple things that we need to do that can help and benefit others. I feel a bit daft eating an apple with a fork. However, it helps others.
[00:02:14] And, perhaps, there are some issues in your life where you know there's something really simple you could do. You might feel a bit daft or silly doing it, but actually, it's benefiting others. And there's a lovely piece of scripture that talks about not causing people to stumble.
[00:02:26] In a simple way, not theological. If I don't cut up my apple, it's gonna leave a mess for somebody else.
[00:02:34] Let's go back to the Bible really quick, or just being kind generally.
[00:02:38] How can you help somebody today by doing something that maybe you feel a bit daft about, that isn't that big a deal, that could actually improve their life?
[00:02:45] Just a thought...
Andy B, 06/03/2024