S06E008, Get It Sorted! Andy B 2 Minute Video
I wonder what level of expertise you have in procrastination? I’m pretty sure there must be world records for things like that. But, what if we could spin that positively? And ask what level of expertise you have in keeping going?
Putting something off can make sense. But, it can also let that ‘thing’ grow into a much bigger project.
If you don’t dust regularly you’re actually creating work later. Dust on windows gets damp, and damp dust becomes mould. So spending time dusting every day, or every week, will save you dividends in time later. Let alone the health benefits it will provide.
If you’re putting something off, grab the bull by the horns and get it sorted.
Unless you’re putting off running away from that bull…in which case, why are you even grabbing that bull by the horns?
Just a thought…
Andy B

[00:00:00] So another Andy B Two Minute Video. Get it sorted! That's the, that's the title for today's little, little brain thought.
[00:00:16] We've been moving around, we've got two studios here where we live. One, now, is pretty much exclusively for Pure247Radio.org, our Online, Digital, Global Radio Station. The other studio, it's It's sort of a, a video recording studio. It's a, it's an office.
[00:00:32] In studio one, where we do our broadcasting, there's some drawers and we had in the drawers, there were several sets of drawers, and they had paper,, and stickers and flyers and all sorts of stuff.
[00:00:44] And then we moved office, sort of, because we're making the broadcasting radio studio more exclusively for that. So we brought some drawers out into what we use as an office, or the video recording studio. And over time, we've got [00:01:00] stuff that we need that's still in Studio One for posting a parcel,
[00:01:05] that hasn't come through. And we've got some stuff that's sitting in drawers in Studio Two, which is now our office, or video recording studio, that really should be in Studio One. So we've got this mishmash and someone's Live on air and we have to go in and get some Sellotape or a sticker. And it's not really, it's not really ideal.
[00:01:24] So one of the jobs that we've been doing is trying to work out, well, what do we need in each room? What actually do we have to have here? So we don't unnecessarily disturb somebody who's Live, on air, broadcasting to the world. It would be pretty bad to go and say, oh, excuse me, I just need to get a sticker or a flyer.
[00:01:41] Get it sorted because those small things can grow into really frustrating things. We interrupt somebody, unnecessarily, because we haven't thought it through.
[00:01:54] I'm terrible for having an armful of stuff, getting to a door, realising I can't get through the door, and then calling for help, [00:02:00] and can someone open the door for me. And people have to stop what they're doing to open the door. This is just kind of the way I work, I just sometimes don't necessarily think about doors!
[00:02:09] In the same way we don't necessarily think about what we need in those, from those drawers in certain places. So when we were wrapping a parcel the other day, to send to to somebody on Pure247Radio, I had to interrupt one of our Live shows, a couple of times, to get things that we actually needed to get.
[00:02:27] So we're working on that.
[00:02:28] But it's easy isn't it, when we sort of move one or two things, and we leave certain things and all of a sudden we're in a bit of a mess because we've got things where they shouldn't be, and things that should be that aren't and if you've got a bit of that going on, you've had a bit of a shuffle around somewhere, Get It Sorted! Save the frustration!!
[00:02:48] Just a thought
Andy B, 28/02/2024