S05E003, Directions: Pure & Holy, Family Prayer Time
Family Prayer Time continues to take inspiration from the book of Revelation, so Peter and JoJo continue to encourage us to pray as a family by using the directions given by Jesus to the Churches.
Peter and JoJo pick out how Jesus calls us to be loyal to God and to be pure – to be holy as God is holy, to be Salt and Light and to pray for this in our lives.
Peter and JoJo have been helped by Jess from Hope Designed (www.hopedesigned.co.uk) who has created new and inspirational materials for us, and you can find these on the BerryBunch website.
Peter and JoJo challenge us to be ready to share our faith why by writing our own testimony in 100 words - why not check out JoJo’s testimony at BerryBunch.org?
We are also encouraged by Peter and JoJo to memorise Matthew 5:13 using the memory sheet by Hope Designed, which you can download here.
‘You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavour? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.’ (Matthew 5:13)
And you could listen to Lauren Daigle’s song: Salt & Light and you could listen to pure music on Pure247Radio – www.pure247radio.org
JoJo and Pete
Jo Berry, 29/10/2023