S01E007, The Follow Through, Endurance
Steven introduces our theme this week – The Follow Through, and dealing with the mundane.
As usual, we have #GoDeeper with Andy B and #GoDo with Steven and Nathan.
GoDeeper with Andy B, as we explore together about the mundane times we all have to walk through.
The bible tells us that iron sharpens iron. And I don’t know about you. But I’ve never seen a gentle blacksmith at work! There’s always noise and sparks flying about, surrounded by a suffocating heat.
As Christians life is never going to be boring: God wants us to live life to the full.
And yet the majority of our live can feel mundane – shopping, paying taxes, getting a job, going to school.
The day-in day-out repetition can grind us down.
And yet, when we think of physical exercise, we see repetitions as a good way of conditioning us for whatever physical activity we’re trying to get better at.
And those mundane moments of life can condition us in exactly the same way.
Learn more as we GoDeeper together.
Steven & Nathan give us 3 challenges for the week ahead in #GoDo:
Steven gives us the Scripture to read; Hebrews 12:1-6, which tells us to run the race and never give up.
Nathan challenges us to reflect on where we’re finding life mundane, where we are bored of the monotony of our everyday lives.
Steven reminds us that God is still working during those mundane periods of our lives.
Nathan encourages us to keep going through the mundane times in our lives, because, just like in exercise, we have to carry out the same routine exercises over and over again; that is how we build our muscles.
You could listen to Lecrae's sing After The Music too - https://youtu.be/lNBpjBE6ew8
Steven and Nathan

Steven Berry, 25/04/2021