S01E006, Mind Over Matter, Endurance
Steven introduces our theme this week – Mind Over Matter.
As usual, we have #GoDeeper with Andy B and #GoDo with Steven and Nathan.
GoDeeper with Andy B, who looks at lots of different Scriptures, all relating to the battle for our minds.
He touches on Romans 12, Isaiah 40, and James 1, to name a few, from all of which he extracts a common theme: how we take control of our minds to be more like Jesus.
But while we all struggle with this, it’s encouraging that Paul, who wrote such a large chunk of the New Testament, and had what can only be described as an amazing relationship with God, struggled with this stuff too!
Steven & Nathan give us 3 challenges for the week ahead in #GoDo:
Steven gives us the Scripture to read; Romans 7 – all about the battle of our mind between our sinful self and our righteous self. Not one you can breeze through though!
Nathan challenges us to reflect on where we’re struggling with controlling our thoughts.
Steven encourages us to remember that we all wrestle with bad thoughts and desires, even Paul the Apostle.
Nathan advises us to keep on top of our thoughts and desires and ensure that we are renewing our minds constantly – reading Scripture, praying, etc – so that our thoughts and desires are Christlike.
Steven and Nathan

Steven Berry, 18/04/2021