S01E003, Roll With The Punches, Endurance
Steven introduces our theme this week – Rolling With the Punches; being flexible.
As usual we have #GoDeeper with Andy B and #GoDo with Steven and Nathan.
GoDeeper with Andy B, who talks about how we need to be flexible.
Like when you're mountain biking - you have to go with the ruts, or you’ll end up falling off. Which Andy got good at before learning a better way.
He also looks at times when things go horribly wrong, and being flexible is the only way forward!
Steven & Nathan give us 3 challenges for the week ahead in #GoDo:
Steven gives us the Scriptures to read; 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 and James 1:2-8.
Nathan challenges us to spend time with God to think about where we need to adapt to situations in our lives.
Steven encourages us to remember to be flexible; we need to ‘roll with the punches’ when things don’t go the way we planned.
Nathan advises us to ‘take it in our stride’ when things happen which we weren’t planning on, and to respond lovingly.
Steven and Nathan

Steven Berry, 21/03/2021