S01E002, A Balancing Act, Endurance
Steven makes it clear that Endurance is all about a weekly Spiritual workout and training for godliness.
He introduces our theme this week – A Balancing Act.
GoDeeper with Andy B, who talks about keeping a good balance between spiritual exercise and physical exercise.
Try this Videos we made previously for more on exercise and godliness:
Jo Jo – Runner’s Prayer
Steven & Nathan give us 3 challenges for the week ahead in #GoDo:
Steven gives us the Scriptures to read; 1 John 1 and 1 Timothy 4
Nathan challenges us to spend time with God to look at where we’re doing too much physical exercise and not enough spiritual exercise.
Steven encourages us to remember to prioritise training for Godliness when we plan our day.
Nathan suggests we take a moment next time we’re exercising to pause and thank God we are able to.
Steven and Nathan

Steven Berry, 14/03/2021