S02E001, Delight in the Law of the Lord, Family Prayer Time
“Be honest, be truthful, be real with God.”
Peter & JoJo launch a new series of Family Prayer Time, getting together to encourage us, as always - to pray as a family. In this new series, Pete and Jo are praying through the psalms, starting with Psalm 1 because it’s good to start at the beginning, a very good place to start…...!
Be encouraged to read the bible together during Family Prayer Time, as JoJo says, prayer is communicating with God which means talking and listening, so if we think about it if we read the bible we are listening to God as the bible is God’s word.
In this episode, Peter and JoJo read through the whole of Psalm 1 as their prayer which reveals the difference between following Jesus and following the wicked. The consequences of hanging out with bad guys is not good, to be blunt destruction is the destination, but delight in the law of the Lord, do good, hang with good people and you will prosper, simples!
Peter and JoJo
Jo Berry, 17/07/2022