| S02E004, Bright Eyes, Story Time with Dave the Dog | Jo and Dave the Dog talk Moses coming down the mountain from seeing God. But, having been so close to God, in the real world, his face shone.
This threw up quite a few questions from Dave, which Jo answered as best she could!
Read the rest of this a
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 | S02E002, Danny Boy, Story Time with Dave the Dog | The story for this week’s episode of Dave Unleashed is about Daniel and some lions.
What do you think Dave thinks of that?
Well, Dave the Dog doesn’t get on with cats, so he is none too pleased.
Find out what happens to Daniel and the lions.
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 | S02E001, Who Said That? Story Time with Dave the Dog | The first story on this brand-new show is about a boy called Samuel and his boss called Eli who both get woken up in the middle of the night.
What do you think Dave thinks of that?
Well, put it this way, Dave the Dog likes his sleep and enjoys many
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