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Skits and Dramas

We write skits and dramas from ideas we have and inspiration. They’re always our own work and we love doing them.
Jonah and the plant, skit
Jonah and the plant, Skit/Drama
Andy B and Jo Jo take a look at Jonah, and the plant that came and went leaving Jonah, well, a little bit upset! More ...
How to pray, the good the bad
How to Pray, The Good The Bad and The Ugly, Skit/Drama
Andy B and Jo take a fun look at how to pray, including The Good The Bad and The Ugly - ways that might work, and ways that probably won't. More ...
Friendship, mercy and forgiven
Friendship, Mercy And Forgiveness, Skit/Drama
Andy helps, by not helping! But he shows us, in his usual style, some things which may not be the right approach to making and keeping friends. More ...

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